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Curation Costs Exchange

Understanding and comparing digital curation costs to support smarter investments

Test bed Cost Model for Digital Preservation (T-CMDP)

Creator and Funding
Developed by The National Archives of the Netherlands as part of the digital preservation test bed project.
The latest versions of the model and the computational model spreadsheet (Version 1.0) are from 2005; version 1.2 30-Aug-2005 for the cost model tool.
The purpose is to estimate the costs of long-term preservation and compare the costs involved in applying different preservation approaches.
Information assets
Texts, emails, spreadsheets, databases.
Ingest, Archival Storage, Data Management, Administration, Preservation Planning (normalisation at ingest and migration after 20 years).
Capital cost, labour cost (6 types), fixed cost, operational cost.
Present, future.
Labour salaries (6 types),capital cost (building space, hardware and software, clients, servers, databases, storage, 'archive system'), migration frequency, number of assets.
Type of tool
Analysis tool, implemented in spreadsheet.
Availability of tool
The spreadsheet is no longer available at the National Archives of the Netherlands but can be found on the Internet Archive.

Further reading

  • Slats, J. and Verdegem, R. (2005), Cost Model for Digital Preservation, Proceedings of the IVth triennieal conference, DLM Forum, Archive, Records and Information Management in Europe.