DP4lib Cost Model (DP4lib)
- Creator and Funding
- Developed by the German National Library (DNB) and funded by the German research Foundation (DFG).
- Status
- The latest version of the DP4Lib tool is from 2012. Validation of the model was taking place in 2013.
- Purpose
- The purpose is to support estimating the costs for budgeting; accounting or charging.
- Information assets
- Digital documents, digitised books.
- Activities
- Ingest, Archival Storage, Preservation Planning, Data Management, Administration, Management, Access.
- Resources
- Capital (hardware, software, external services), labour, direct and indirect costs.
- Time
- Past, Present.
- Variables
- Hardware, software, people, accommodation, external service, transfer - broken further down; linear depreciation of capital (acquisitions), keys for distributing indirect costs.
- Type of tool
- Recording costs, analysis.
- Availability of tool
- The documentation and description of the model is available online (The tool is only available in German, and not directly available on the website).
Further reading
- Report on the DP4lib cost model, A Cost Model for a Long-Term Preservation Service, 2012.
- DP4lib Kostenmodell für Langzeitarchivierung.