Total Cost of Preservation (CDL-TCP)
- Creator and Funding
- The model was (and is being) developed by the California Digital Library (CDL), UC Curation Center (UC3) under a Creative Commons Attribution - Sharealike 3.0 license.
- Status
- The latest version of the TCP pricing model tool and whitepaper is rev 2.1 from 2013.
- Purpose
- Modelling the full economic costs of preservation the “total cost of preservation” (TCP) over time in order to sustain long‐term preservation efforts—effective and affordable curation management. UC3 itself needs a TCP model in order to move many of its core service offerings to a cost recovery operational basis.
- Information assets
- Any kind of digital asset—the model uses a generic; abstract level.
- Activities
- Ingest, Data Management, Archival Storage, Preservation Planning, Access, Administration, Management.
- Resources
- Total cost: in the tool total cost is refined into subsidiary costs such as capital cost, labour cost, operational cost, one-time, term or annual costs (called scope), fixed cost or marginal cost (proportional cost). Term costs are annualized over their lifespan and adjusted for inflation.
- Time
- Present, future—10 year scope.
- Variables
- More than 100. For example for “Migration” there are unit costs for: refreshment, replication, repackaging, transformation. For “Staff” there are 12 kinds of roles with salaries, FTE day rates.
- Type of tool
- Analysis tool implemented as a MS Excel spreadsheet.
- Availability of tool
- The tool is available for download.
Further reading
- California Digital Library, Total Cost of Preservation (TCP), Whitepaper, 2013.